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Improved Varroa Mite Control: Enhanced Efficacy of Extended-Release Oxalic Acid for Honeybee Colonies

Crop Protection & Health
Pesticides & Insect Control
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES)
Johnson, Reed
Shannon, Brandon
Licensing Manager
Wilburn, Adri
(614) 292-0233


Varroa mites are a significant threat to honeybee colonies, presenting a formidable challenge in apiculture and prompting widespread concern among beekeepers and researchers. Infiltrating honeybee hives and feeding on adult bees and their brood, varroa mites eventually lead to colony collapse. Beyond their immediate impact, varroa mites also act as vectors for viruses that further compromise the health of already vulnerable colonies. Managing infestations of these mites has become a pivotal priority in preserving pollination ecosystems and ensuring global food security.

The Need: Effectively Resolve Varroa Mite Infestations in Honeybee Colonies

Miticides, once a highly efficacious tool to combat varroa mites, now grapple with diminishing potency due to the development of mite resistance. In contrast, oxalic acid has emerged as a resilient miticide, with mites showing no signs of developing resistance against it. Oxalic acid's efficacy is, however, mixed and influenced by factors such as application methods and hive conditions. Extended-release methods have been introduced to bolster miticidal potency, but inconsistent efficacy persists. Thus, a continued refining of oxalic acid applications is still needed to enable more reliable control of varroa mite infestations in honeybee colonies.

The Technology: Improved Formulation of extended-release oxalic acid

OSU researchers have enhanced the performance and consistency of extended-release oxalic acid in controlling varroa mites. Compared to standard extended-release oxalic acid treatments, OSU’s novel formulation has shown:

  • Enhanced Efficacy: mite load decreased 96% compared to only 76%.
  • Faster Acting: 4x increase in mite drop during the first 48 hours of treatment.
  • Durable Results: 36% fewer mites 1 month post treatment.

Commercial Application:

Numerous industries stand to benefit from this enhanced oxalic acid formulation as honeybees are crucial to crop pollination, as well as honey and wax production:

  • Agricultural industries - honey
  • Food and Beverage industries - honey
  • Cosmetics and Skincare – honey, beeswax
  • Pharmaceuticals – honey, beeswax
  • Textile industry – beeswax

Patent Pending

Provisional patent filed.