Inventor Involvement

Inventor Involvement

Guiding a technology after license

After a technology is licensed, whether to an existing company or a startup, inventors may stay involved in a number of ways. The university has also established policies to help guide inventors avoid conflicts of interests.

Involvement with an existing company

Faculty consulting

Faculty are permitted to engage in specified private business activities relating to their university positions, provided that they continue to be responsible for the performance of their university teaching, research and service obligations.
Learn more in the Faculty Paid External Consulting Policy

Sponsored research

Alternatively, a licensee may contract with the university for the services of the inventor and the use of university facilities through a sponsored research agreement. Research projects funded by technology commercialization companies must include, in addition to a negotiated fee, university publication rights.

Involvement with a startup

Faculty equity ownership in a startup

If the university employee is approved to hold equity in the new company, the inventor’s equity ownership is determined by an agreement between the inventor and the new startup. University employees who wish to negotiate an equity position with the new company should seek independent legal representation.

Contact us

Are you excited by a research idea, discovery or insight that could have an impact on the world around us? If so, please let the technology commercialization team know!


Contact us today


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