Captsone Project

Capstone Projects

 The Honda - Ohio State Partnership has supported the College of Engineering Capstone program for the past 12 years, from its initial format of ME students working on projects at Honda to the current format of senior engineering students working on interdisciplinary teams to complete a wide variety of industry projects. Enriched by industry participation in design reviews, project development, and contribution of domain specific knowledge, the Capstone program allows students to experience the design process in a time effective setting, in which they are free to try out product and/or process concepts that might be deemed too risky by industry. Industry gives students these types of projects with the goal of getting a fresh perspective on a design. A side benefit is increased student awareness of real-world activities and research in the transportation industry.

Objectives: Increase student awareness and participation in transportation-related activities and research Develop team skills in an interdisciplinary environment Work directly with engineers in the transportation industry

Capstone projects at Honda include:


Health Monitoring (Honda R&D Americas, Inc. - HRA)

Future Automotive Air Outlets & Vents (HRA)

Variable Hardness Seat (HRA)


Electro-Mechanical Trainer (Honda of America Mfg., Inc. - HAM)

Fuel Tank Level Measurement Phase 3 (HRA )

CAE Material Property Database Application Phase 2 (HRA)


ELP Bumper Storage & Transport (HAM)

Welding Process Improvements (HAM)

HNAS-EC Powertrain Machining Category (HAM)

Fluid Tank Level Measurement Phase II (HRA)

CAE Material Property Database Application (HRA)

To learn more about getting involved with capstone projects, contact Professor Bob Rhoads, Director of Multidisciplinary Capstone program