Modular Dc Circuit Breaker with Integrated Energy Storage for Future Dc Networks
The Need
Traditional AC distribution is not suitable for a wide range of applications in regard to efficiency, cost, and power carrying capacity compared to alternative distributions. Low voltage distribution suffers from high transmission losses due to higher current requirements necessitating thicker, heavier cables. As global energy requirements continue to escalate, new methods for reducing greenhouse gas emissions is becoming critical and DC power has long been discussed as an alternative to AC power systems.
Medium Voltage Direct Current (MVDC) power distribution offers benefits over AC systems and low voltage systems, however, a major impediment to the implementation of MVDC distribution and transmission systems has been the lack of cost effective, dependable protection mechanisms against electrical faults. There is also a lack of device to provide ancillary functions such as voltage/current compensation towards resilient dc distribution networks.
The Technology
Dr. Jin Wang has provided a novel method to solve this issue.This invention consists of a Modular Direct Current (DC) Circuit Breaker with Integrated Energy Storage for Future DC Networks. The proposed T-Breaker has a modular structure to enable scalability. The circuit building blocks (submodules) can be any two-terminal power electronics building blocks. Each submodule consists of power electronics switches (MOSFETs, IGBTs, JFETs, diodes, ETOs, etc…) and energy storage components (capacitors, super capacitors, batteries, etc…)
MVDC power distribution and transmission will result in cost and weight savings in cabling, reductions in additional conversion circuitry as well as energy savings through higher efficiency operation.
Commercial Applications
- Renewables
- Distributed energy resources
- Oil/Gas
- Commercial and Industrial buildings
- Fast vehicle charging
- Navel and aeronautical industries
- Efficiency
- Cost saving
- Power carrying capacity
Research Interests
Dr. Wang received his PhD in electrical engineering from Michigan State University, East Lansing, in 2005 and has since worked for the Ford Motor Company, and then as a Professor in The Ohio State University's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His research interests include high-voltage and high-power converter/inverters, integration of renewable energy sources, and electrification of transportation.