Smart Cities, Smart Data
Smart Cities, Smart Data
Friday, September 13
3 – 4:30 p.m.
Translational Data Analytics Institute (TDAI) | 1760 Neil Ave. Pomerene Hall | Ideation Zone
Refreshments will be served
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The Smart Columbus Operating System (SCOS) is commonly referred to as the heartbeat of Smart Columbus - it is the city’s integrated, holistic approach to data in our increasingly connected community.
Join us for this event to learn:
- What the SCOS is, including use cases and information on how you can engage with it in your teaching and research activities.
- The state of data at Ohio State, hearing from both faculty and university leadership about our tools, processes, policies for data management.
- How Ohio State research is connecting to Smart Columbus projects, including through the Smart Columbus Operating System.
External speakers include:
- Michael Stevens, Chief Innovation Officer, City of Columbus
- Mandy Bishop, Deputy Director, Smart Columbus Program Manager, City of Columbus
- Jordan Davis, Director, Smart Columbus, Columbus Partnership
- McKinzie King, Delivery Lead, Smart Columbus Operating System, Accenture
Ohio State speakers include:
- Courtney Falato, Director, Smart@OhioState
- Dennis Hirsch, Director, Program on Data and Governance, Moritz College of Law
- Harvey Miller, Director, Center for Urban and Regional Analysis
- Lonnie Morgan, Senior Director, Business Intelligence and Analytics, OCIO
- Rajiv Ramnath, Professor of Practice, Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering
- Beth Snoke, Associate Director, Transportation and Parking