Noninvasive Rapid Radiation Exposure Assay
Clinical Area
Life & Health Sciences
Medical Devices
Radiation Therapy
Reusable Instruments
The Need
Radiation exposure poses significant health risks, including cancer and other illnesses, making it crucial for clinicians to accurately measure and assess the extent of radiation exposure. Existing methods often require invasive procedures and may not detect exposure at lower dose ranges.
The Technology
OSU faculty inventors have developed a new, noninvasive method for measuring radiation exposure levels. By collecting hair or skin samples, Raman spectroscopy-based methods allow for rapid bio-dosimetry measures by assessing biomarkers detectable in skin and hair.
Commercial Applications
- Medical Settings: Measure radiation exposure in patients who have undergone radiotherapy or medical imaging procedures.
- Military and Homeland Security: Assess radiation exposure due to accidental or intentional release of radioactive materials in military and security settings.
- Environmental and Occupational Monitoring: Monitor individuals who are exposed to radiation in natural environmental or occupational settings.
- Rapid Assessment: Readouts can be done as quickly as 10minutes.
- Noninvasive Sample Collection: The technology sources biomarkers from easily accessible samples like skin and hair.
- Detects Historical Radiation Exposure: Sample assessment can be performed day to months or even years after exposure.
- Enhanced Accuracy: Raman spectroscopy-based methods improve the accuracy and precision of radiation bio-dosimetry.
Patent Applicaiton
PCT Applicaiton filed. PCT/US2023/027747