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Development of thick β-(AlxGa1-x)2O3 films with low-Al content for vertical power devices

Engineering & Physical Sciences
Communications & Networking
Electronics & Photonics
MEMS & Nanotechnology
Semiconductors, Circuits, & Electronic Components
College of Engineering (COE)
Zhao, Hongping
Bhuiyan, A F M Anhar Uddin
Meng, Lingyu
Licensing Manager
Randhawa, Davinder
External Links

T2023-033 Current semiconductor materials used in power devices are reaching their performance limits. Inventors at OSU have developed a new method of fabricating thick β-(AlxGa1-x)2O3 films to enable low-Al content. The result is a lower cost of production and the ability to support next-generation optoelectronic and high-power device applications.

The Need

Currently, β-Ga2O3 is used as the semiconductor material for developing next-generation electronic devices to support various high-power applications ranging from telecommunication to electric vehicles (EVs). Yet, the use of β-Ga2O3 is introducing significant production costs and performance limitations, hindering the development of these high-growth industry applications.

The Technology

The inventors at OSU have developed a novel method to develop thick β-(AlxGa1-x)2O3 films with very low Al composition, fast growth rate, and controllable n-type doping to replace traditional vertical power semiconductors. For the application of high-performance power electronics with high reverse breakdown voltage, a thick drift layer with low controllable doping enables the ability to block large reverse-biased voltage. In comparison, using β-(AlxGa1-x)2O3 films offers higher critical field strength in support of greater power applications.

Commercial Applications

The technology aims to enhance vertical power devices currently deployed in radio frequency (RF) communication, 5G/6G mobile network, and other high-power communication use cases. These devices are also being used in EVs and rapid charging stations. This technology could potentially disrupt the telecommunication and transportation industries.


Bandgaps from β-Ga2O3 and trigonal α-Al2O3 are falling short of supporting emerging vertical power device requirements. Depending on the concentration of Al in the monoclinic β-(AlxGa1-x)2O3 film, the crystalline and energy-band properties can be finely tuned, and its properties can be engineered as needed to accommodate a wide range of vertical power device applications.


Provisional patent application 63/398,959 filed August 2022.